Online Macrobiotic Summer Conference 2023 featured dish

July 11 – 14 | Online on Zoom

Macrobiotic Summer Conference 2024

New program yet to be announced!

some of the teachers of the Macrobiotic Summer Conference 2023

Do you wish to eat healthy, yet sometimes
…you have little time?

…your family and friends don’t like it and don’t understand you?
…you crave foods that are not good for you?

…you lack inspiration what to prepare?

Do you want to strengthen your focus, concentration and memory?

Are you concerned by the ban on the gas cooking and other energy policies of the Green New Deal that might have negative influence on our health?

What does the latest medical research reveal about macrobiotics, covid, and cancer?

Come to the macrobiotic summer conference and
broaden your repertoire with the best tried and tested recipes of traditional cuisines and popular macrobiotic chefs.


Find out what you need to do to not only strengthen your health but also get your friends and family enjoy and appreciate your healthy meals.

Learn about the latest developments affecting our health, medical research, natural care of your pets and much more!

Enjoy a reunion with old friends and meet new, like-minded people.

What can you expect?

1. In-depth information on links between diet and our health, mood and behavior

– how to maintain your memory and focus
– fascinating stories of prisoners and their changes on the macrobiotic diet
– how neurotoxins around us affect our memory, mood and concentration and what to do about it


2. Find new tips, strategies and approaches 

– to get your family and friends to enjoy your food and be more open to your approach to health

– how to deal with the irresistible urge to binge (or overcome the reluctance to cook)
– for healthy eating when travelling with greater ease

– prepare daily food, apply home remedies, massage and other healing techniques for your cats and dogs


3. Learn more about the latest developments, as well as medical research

– learn more about effect of the plus and minuses of the New Green Deal, and possible solutions
– learn the latest findings on medical research (including diet and cancer & covid)
– conclusions of top brain experts on brain health and neurotoxicity


4.  Watch and try to prepare
delicious dishes from Indian and Caribbean cuisines, and
– popular chef summer treats


5. Stretch, relax and energize by traditional yoga and qi-gong

6. Connect with people from all over the world and feel the support of the macrobiotic community

– ask other people for practical tips for your household, meal preparation or anything else
– share your stories and learn from the other practitioners
– create new friendships and strengthen old ones
– experience the nourishing atmosphere of being among like-minded people

And lots more!


July 12 – 16, 2023


Online on Zoom

All sessions recorded!

What is all included?

Online Macrobiotic Summer Conference 2023 teachers and classes

Price: $329

Join us to renew your energy and
step-up your enthusiasm for healthy cooking!

Learn tips and strategies that will change your friends, partners and children
 from skeptical opponents to your health food fans!

Deepen your knowledge,

and reconnect with other like-minded people!

What can you look forward to?

Wednesday July 12

Thursday July 13

Friday July 14

Welcome and basic information on the conference

The planet is racing to implement a Green New Deal to stave off the catastrophic effects of climate change, address economic inequality, and promote social justice. The ends are laudable but the means—massive electrification, including replacement of gas cooking with electrical cookinggene-edited foods, and so-called “clean” nuclear technology—may be worse than the fossil fuels and older infrastructure they replace.

Alex will offer a macrobiotic view of this trend and propose healthier, more sustainable solutions to the multiple crises now threatening our planet.

Thursday July 13

How to prevent the adverse signs of brain disease, halt the repeating of “senior moments” and make aging a joy?


Learn about specific foods, activities, and exercise that reinforce memory, concentration and focus and help to keep the brain healthy as the ageing approaches.


Jane and Lino (now over 90) share their experience, knowledge and practices based upon traditional diet and lifestyle of communities well known for their longevity, as well as modern scientific research from top medical brain specialists.

Using gentle movements, breath, and sound, you will experience yoga in its simplest, most authentic form. The sessions will help unwind, release stress, and bring a greater sense of ease and balance.

Finding a healthy meal and sometimes even good food in an unknown location can be a real challenge. 
Danka will share her numerous tips how to make travelling lighter and easier while keeping healthy diet.

We all have dear family and friends who turn their nose up at the mere mention of the word “healthy”. Over the years, I have dealt with many! I am sure that you have too, and it makes meal time difficult, but it doesn’t have to be that way. One of my favorite things to do, is to make food that is so delicious, that even the most hard core skeptic just can’t resist. In this class we will combine “culinary with medicinal” to create fun, gorgeous, and versatile dishes that are as good for you, as they are beautiful.

Open Discussions with Donna Clifford, R.N., a macrobiotic nurse and author of Act Like Rice and Mark Leonas, a long-term macrobiotic practitioner.

How can a macrobiotic diet, and “medicinal” foods such as seaweed and polypore mushrooms enhance immunity while providing protection against both cancer and covid?


Dr. Saxe will describe his groundbreaking research in these areas at the University of California, San Diego, and the lessons it holds for healthcare.

Friday July 14

How to cook macrobiotic food for family and friends? Horriah will share her tips, strategies and stories on how to socialize macrobiotics with the ones you love, even though they seem not interested in a more healthy lifestyle.

Renew yourself through the dynamics of practicing this ancient, timeless tradition. Susan’s Qi-Gong adds breathing, visualization and stretching the Acupressure meridians. Qi-gong can release discomforts, enhance flexibility and energy-flow of body-mind-spirit.  These practices are easy to learn for inclusion in your at home routine.
Participants of all abilities are welcome.

Learn new tips, recipes and home remedies for your dogs and cats. Besides daily food and snacks, Sanae will share also how to treat their meridian points, apply reiki, flower remedies and communicate with the animals.

Explore the Caribbean macrobiotic cuisine by merging the mountains with the ocean. Join Laury in the creation of a Ceviche de Chayote (vegetable that belongs to the pumpkin family) for a salty taste of tropical islands. And, for a refreshing touch, Laury will guide you in preparing the Mango and Mamey Sapote Tart, a dessert that will enhance any experience that you create.

Open Discussions with Donna Clifford, R.N., a macrobiotic nurse and author of Act Like Rice and Mark Leonas, a long-term macrobiotic practitioner.

Neurotoxic chemicals can initiate or accelerate the process of diseases including dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Reduce your risk by reducing exposure to these substances. Raymond will discuss the signs and symptoms of neurotoxicity and the types of substances that caused this condition.

Saturday July 15

Sunday July 16

Come and join us as we celebrate the vibrant flavours and wholesome goodness of Indian cuisine. We will learn how to make homemade chapati (Indian flatbread), a delicious lentil dish, a condiment and a fragrant rice dish. You will also learn about the health benefits associated with various spices and ingredients used in this class. 

Open discussions with Donna Clifford, R.N., a macrobiotic nurse and author of Act Like Rice and Mark Leonas, a long-term macrobiotic practitioner.

Macrobiotics is identified with way of eating and yet many continue to claim there is no such thing as a Macrobiotic Diet. Statements such as “Everything is Macrobiotic”, or “There is no such thing as a bad food ” are scattered through conversations on macrobiotic social media. 


In this session, Bill will define what Bill believes to be the fundamental principles of eating well using macrobiotic principles and explore some of the prevailing misconceptions regarding the use of the macrobiotics to develop a healthy, diverse and sustainable way of eating. 

Using gentle movements, breath, and sound, you will experience yoga in its simplest, most authentic form. The sessions will help unwind, release stress, and bring a greater sense of ease and balance.

Alice will talk about her experiences teaching macrobiotics to  maximum security inmates. She will share her insights into the connection between food, behavior and mental illness.  With lots of time for Q and A!

Summer dishes are bursting with the saturated flavors of ripe summer vegetables and fruits. Bettina will present a few of her favorite summer dishes in this class.

Open discussions with Donna Clifford, R.N., a macrobiotic nurse and author of Act Like Rice and Mark Leonas, a long-term macrobiotic practitioner.

Everyone sometimes craves food that is not exactly the best for them. So how to do about it? Panelists will share their tips and recommendations on how to deal with various cravings on both dietary and emotional level.

Sunday July 16

Summer cooking calls for lighter and shorter cooking with a nice cooling quality. But at the same time, we will take a look at ways to strengthen and remineralize our bodies to counter the loss of minerals due to sweating and extra liquid intake.

Blending East and West, Patricio will share his knowledge and outstanding cooking skills presenting beautiful, delicious, and elegantly prepared dishes.

Open Discussions with Donna Clifford, R.N., a macrobiotic nurse and author of Act Like Rice.

The foundation of health and healing is harmony, which, practically speaking, means waves in coherence.  This is true for all aspects of human health – physical, mental, relationship,  and community health. Tom Monte’s talk will reveal how we can turn our incoherent, illness-producing waves into coherent health-creating frequencies, and in the process restore harmony in our lives.

Motivational and inspiring speeches of two of the most prominent ambassadors of macrobiotic lifestyle and philosophy.

Would you like to treat yourself with

  • a unique collection item,
  • new course for a reduced price,
  • rare old photograph,
  • macrobiotic publications or consultation for a special price,
  • or other exclusive items,

and support our activities?


Join our annual fundraising auction for macrobiotic education and get valuable study and learning materials that you can use during the rest of the year.

We will finish with a humorous skit and heartfelt farewell.

*Schedule may be subject to change.

What do participants say about our conferences?

“I enjoyed the topics that were perhaps more advanced and deepened my understanding how macrobiotics applies to other parts of life other than just cooking.”
Brian Smith
“I appreciated the inclusive atmosphere, allowing for different styles of cooking and practice to be presented, and encouraging us to find our own way for our individual condition, situation, and practice.”
Elaine Danforth
“The conference was excellent! The only thing that was missing was the usual fabulous macrobiotic food. I enjoyed the talks: Cooking ideas to recharge my meals, health concepts to broaden my knowledge with highly knowledgeable teachers, a range of ideas to think about, and the yoga was exactly what I’ve been looking for which includes the yogic breathing exercises. The teachers were great and the overall program was rich, well organized and fun.”
Ellen Harris
“Hearing lectures on improving both physical and mental health, attending cooking classes and learning new recipes, sharing ideas with macrobiotic counselors and like-minded people all renew my energy and inspire me to be even more conscientious in my daily macrobiotic practice.”
Audrey Polt
Entire conference was amazing. Looked forward to it each day.”
Lila Kutolowski
“2023 was the best yet—I don’t know how they keep getting better every year but somehow it gets pulled off beautifully.”
Rebecca West

Frequently Asked Questions

I have other arrangements and can’t attend all the lectures. Will the lectures be recorded?

Yes, all the lectures will be recorded, and you can watch them again anytime at your convenience.
The only thing that is not recorded are the open discussion sessions to ensure the privacy of the participants and create a safe atmosphere for mutual sharing.

Can I pay by check?

Sure. Please, address the check to Planetary Health, Inc., P.O. Box 487, Becket, MA, 01223, and let us know you want to join the group at

How long will I have access to the recordings and other materials?

Recipes will be sent to your email and the recording  will be available  for 2 years 😊

Would you like to ask another question?

Please contact us at and we will be happy to reply to you.

How would your life change if

your family and friends started to ask for your healthy meals,
you stopped some of your cravings 
and got more clarity on the influence of food and toxins on our brain and mood?

Who will be presenting?

We have invited some of the most renowned macrobiotic speakers from around the world, medical experts, as well as new young and enthusiastic teachers

Sanae Suzuki
Sanae Suzuki

Macrobiotic counselor, Medicinal Herbalist, and Animal Holistic Therapist

Horriah van Veen - Nelissen

Macrobiotic teacher and chef, Director of Primary Waldorf School in the Netherlands

Bill Tara
Bill Tara

Co-founder of the Kushi Institute with Michio and Aveline Kushi and macrobiotic activist

Tarika Ahuja
Tarika Ahuja

Macrobiotic and Ayurveda nutritionist

Patricio Garcia de Paredes
Patricio Garcia de Paredes

Founder and director of the Macrobiotic School Japan

Alex Jack, renowned macrobiotic author and macrobiotic counselor, former Kushi Institute director and president of Planetary Health
Alex Jack

Macrobiotic teacher, counselor and author

Danka Jack, macrobiotic teacher
Danka Jack

Macrobiotic teacher and counselor

Lauribel Lopez
Lauribel Lopez

Macrobiotic chef and student of Naturopathic Medicine

Gayle Stolove
Gayle Stolove

Macrobiotic chef, teacher, and counselor

Tom Monte

Leader of programs on natural and emotional healing

Bettina Zumdick

Macrobiotic teacher and counselor, and founder of Culinary Medcine School

Alice Fava
Alice Fava

Criminal attorney and director of Macrobiotic Centre of Toronto

Wieke Nelissen
Wieke Nelissen

Macrobiotic counselor and teacher and co-founder of the Kushi Institute of Europe

Gordon Saxe MD
Gordon Saxe, MD PhD MPH

Asst. Professor and Research Director at University of California, San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine

Susan Waxman
Susan Waxman

Macrobiotic teacher and counselor, director of The Strengthening Health Institute

Lino Stanchich
Lino Stanchich

Macrobiotic teacher, counselor and licensed nutritionist

Jane Stanchich
Jane Quincannon- Stanchich

Macrobiotic teacher, counselor and licensed nutritionis

Manjari Agarwala

Yoga therapist and macrobiotic teacher from India

Susan Krieger
Susan Krieger

Macrobiotic and TCM counselor and teacher of Qi-Gong, Shiatsu, and Acupuncture

Meredith McCarty
Meredith McCarty

Macrobiotic teacher, chef and author

“I highly recommend the Conference. It is a great learning experience. It develops spirit and higher development, 
and motivates people to care about themselves, others, and the whole planet.”

– R.T.

Who is organizing this for you?

Alex Jack, an internationally renowned macrobiotic teacher, counselor, and author, worked closely with Michio and Aveline Kushi for nearly forty years and served as former director of Kushi Institute in Becket. He co-wrote The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health, The Book of Macrobiotics, and many other books on diet, health, and the environment with Michio Kushi and is currently writing a multivolume series on the Spiral of History


Danka Jack is a macrobiotic teacher from Slovakia. She grew up in a macrobiotic family, learning and applying the remedies and principles in her daily life since childhood. She is the Special Projects director at Planetary Health, giving courses and consultations in macrobiotics and 9 Star Ki.

Danka and Alex Jack

Will you join us to find out not only how to keep healthy in these changing times but also to engage your family and friends?

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